So, Miriam and I are at Whole Foods shopping for supplies for her birthday party (3 years old!) and we stopped at a display with cut and wrapped pieces of watermelon, one of her favorite fruits. I asked her if she wanted some for her birthday party.
She turned to me and asked: “Is it in season?”
Oh man I love that girl. I’ve been teaching her about produce being in or out of season and have told her that we couldn’t have the things she wanted much of the time due to that (price, quality, etc). I guess it’s rubbing off.
Yes, we bought the watermelon (she had some for her actual birthday dinner too). Local, organic, and in season are all important but we make some exceptions.
2 responses so far ↓
1 :Donna // Apr 9, 2008 at 1:25 pm
Cyndi, I was glad for the reminder on your site 🙂 I have it in my faves, but rarely get a chance to visit any of my favorites *sigh*
Anyway, 3-year-old children are too precious for words. “Is it in season?” LOL Adorable!
2 admin // Apr 9, 2008 at 4:59 pm
🙂 Two of her other lines are: (when offered food) “my daddy has to check the ingredients” and “is it gluten-free?”
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