It’s fall! It’s pumpkin time! So what do you do with those seeds? Well don’t waste them, turn them into a healthy nosh.
Start with any winter squash: pumpkin, acorn, red kuri, whatever you like. In these pictures, I used butternut squash.
Cut the raw squash in half lengthwise. Use a fork to pull out the seeds. See the gooey stuff in the seed section of the squash? It’s delicious when cooked so you can just leave it there (except for pumpkins; remove and discard pumpkin goo).

Removing butternut squash seeds
If you want, you can wash the seeds in some fresh water (I rarely bother). This will give them a cleaner appearance and flavor after being cooked, and will reduce burning. Be sure to lay them on a clean towel after washing to dry them.
Mix in some oil (I use olive, just enough to coat), something salty (I used tamari), and some flavor (I used cumin, other times I use curry powder or hot pepper). Stir with the fork.
Spread them out on a cookie sheet (no need to grease it since you put oil with the seeds) and bake until crispy and golden brown. I put them in with the squash (the temperature can vary between 300 and 450 degrees) but watch them carefully because they’ll be done in 5-20 minutes, depending on the temperature. They do burn easily. Be sure they aren’t too soft either; you want them to crunch in your mouth once they’ve cooled down.

Roasted butternut squash seeds
If there are any leftover, store them in a glass jar with a lid on the counter. They will last for a few days to a couple of weeks. If they get soft in the jar, just crisp them up in the toaster oven.
2 responses so far ↓
1 mel mccarthy // Dec 11, 2012 at 1:51 pm
Yummy. Love that you can roast squash seeds as well as pumpkin. Thanks!
2 Paleo Lasagna Recipe and Other Butternut Squash Ideas | Hold My Broom // Feb 28, 2014 at 2:24 pm
[…] seeds like pumpkin seeds. So of course I consulted Pinterest and it turns out you can! Here is a Recipe. I just baked mine with grape seed oil, sea salt, and cinnamon, and they tasted great! I’ll […]
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