Welcome to Norwitz Notions.
We are Cyndi, Michael, and Miriam Norwitz from Petaluma, California. Come read about our travels, disability accommodation, gardening, nontoxic products, and book reviews. But, mostly, our original recipes.

Cyndi & Miriam October 2008
Both Cyndi and Miriam have chemical sensitivities and react to dairy and gluten. Miriam is also reactive to eggs, oranges/grapefruit, chocolate, and some unknown substance that gave her her first and only anaphylatic episode. Cyndi also reacts to preservatives, too many carbs, canned fish, raw apples, and doesn’t eat meat. Michael has no allergies/reaction but doesn’t eat pork or tons of carbs and rarely eats dairy.
Our house is kosher enough for our (Conservative) Rabbi but not enough for her (Orthodox) roommate. We don’t allow pork or traife fish in the house and almost never cook meat (the cats eat meat though).

Miriam & Michael October 2008
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